Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pencil crayons/colored pencils

 Hey everyone, how are you all doing on this fine day?

Today I wanted to do a post about tips. So I chose to do a post about colored pencils.

 There are many different types of colored pencils. To name a few: Crayola(can be useful at times), Prismacolor(more professional. You can see my post on Prismacolor markers, Prismacolor marker review), or Design Spectracolour.

 My favorite colored pencils are probably Design Spectracolour, because even though I have a very little amount, they still are pretty good. If you have an art supply store near you, you can check and see if they're there.

 The way to use pencil crayons is just, well, use circular motions. you can use lighter colors first, and then shade with a slightly darker color, and you can even build up the color until you have a very gradiant effect.

 When coloring clothing with pencil crayons, just do it the same way. Pretend you are using markers. You will get the hang of it soon!

 Good luck to you all and have a wonderful day!

 P.s. I challenge you to draw something you have never drawn before. Link the picture in the comments!

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