Hey everyone! This post is going to be about the color wheel. If you do not know, the color wheel is a wheel that shows what colors complement each other and such.
Complementary colors are across from each other on the wheel. These colors work well together.
Split-complementary colors use one color and complement the two colors on the sides of the complementary color. Sorry if I caused any confusion in that last sentence.
Traid colors are shades that are equally spaced across the wheel from each other.
Tetrad colors are a contrast of four or more colors on the wheel.
Diad colors use two colors that are two colors apart in the color wheel.
Red complements green. For split complementary it goes red, yellow-green, and blue-green.
The triad is red, yellow and blue.
Orange complements blue. For split complementary orange, blue-green, and blue-violet. The triad is orange, green, and violet.
Yellow complements violet. For split complementary it goes yellow, blue-violet, and red-violet. The triad is yellow, blue and red.
Green complements red. For split complementary it goes green, red-violet, and red-orange. The triad is green violet and orange.
Blue complements orange. For split complementary it goes blue, red-orange and yellow-orange. The triad is blue, red and yellow.
Purple complements yellow. For split complementary it goes(as the color wheel says) violet, yellow-orange, and yellow-green. The triad is violet, orange, and green.
I hope that you all learned something about the color wheel. If you want to study further, you can look into buying one. Good night world.
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